Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2*n+h n Solution for Breadth-First Numbering (Okasaki paper)

data Tree a = Tree a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a | EmptyLeaf
deriving (Show,Eq)

renameTreeNodes :: (Tree a) -> [Int] -> (Tree Int)
renameTreeNodes tree counts = fst $ renameLoop tree counts
renameLoop EmptyLeaf cs = (EmptyLeaf, cs)
renameLoop (Leaf _) (c:cs) = (Leaf c, (c+1):cs)
renameLoop (Tree _ lb rb) (c:cs) = (Tree c lb' rb', (c+1):csLR)
(lb',csL) = renameLoop lb cs
(rb',csLR) = renameLoop rb csL

countsToBases :: [Int] -> [Int]
countsToBases cs = ctbLoop cs 1
ctbLoop [c] b = [b]
ctbLoop (c:cs) b = b:ctbLoop cs (b + c)

countOnEachLevel :: (Tree a) -> [Int]
countOnEachLevel tree = countLoop tree []
countLoop EmptyLeaf counts = counts
countLoop (Leaf _) (c:cs) = (c+1):cs
countLoop tree [] = countLoop tree [0]
countLoop (Tree _ leftBranch rightBranch) (c:cs) = (c+1):csLR
csL = countLoop leftBranch cs
csLR = countLoop rightBranch csL

Amazingly improved by BlackMeph

main = print . renameTreeNodes $ testTree

renameTreeNodes :: Tree a -> Tree Int
renameTreeNodes tree = t' where
(t',ks) = renameLoop tree (1:ks)
renameLoop EmptyLeaf cs = (EmptyLeaf,cs)
renameLoop (Leaf _) (c:cs) = (Leaf c,(c+1):cs)
renameLoop (Tree _ lb rb) (c:cs) = (Tree c lb' rb',(c+1):csLR) where
(lb',csL) = renameLoop lb cs
(rb',csLR) = renameLoop rb csL

Source at HPASTE


BMeph said...

If you look at the last two pages, it shows how you could slightly edit one of your first function's lines, and add a line to the where-clause, to make it the only function you need to do the job - and traverse the tree only once. I annotated your HPaste post to illustrate. Nice try, though, seems like you did a great "first try" at the problem.

Vag said...

Hmm.. what to say.. Just WOW!!!
I have no circular skills yet :o)

Vag said...

so long, my patulent bush...