Friday, June 6, 2008

Laziness without laziness

foldM_ f xs = fold (\a e -> a >> f e) (return ()) xs

Instead of making chain of dynamically created functions from data list it is better to create a function that makes next function in chain

foldM_ f l = foldLoop l
foldLoop [] = return ()
foldLoop [x:xs] = f x >> foldLoop xs

Notice that this fragment does not use any language laziness.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2*n+h n Solution for Breadth-First Numbering (Okasaki paper)

data Tree a = Tree a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a | EmptyLeaf
deriving (Show,Eq)

renameTreeNodes :: (Tree a) -> [Int] -> (Tree Int)
renameTreeNodes tree counts = fst $ renameLoop tree counts
renameLoop EmptyLeaf cs = (EmptyLeaf, cs)
renameLoop (Leaf _) (c:cs) = (Leaf c, (c+1):cs)
renameLoop (Tree _ lb rb) (c:cs) = (Tree c lb' rb', (c+1):csLR)
(lb',csL) = renameLoop lb cs
(rb',csLR) = renameLoop rb csL

countsToBases :: [Int] -> [Int]
countsToBases cs = ctbLoop cs 1
ctbLoop [c] b = [b]
ctbLoop (c:cs) b = b:ctbLoop cs (b + c)

countOnEachLevel :: (Tree a) -> [Int]
countOnEachLevel tree = countLoop tree []
countLoop EmptyLeaf counts = counts
countLoop (Leaf _) (c:cs) = (c+1):cs
countLoop tree [] = countLoop tree [0]
countLoop (Tree _ leftBranch rightBranch) (c:cs) = (c+1):csLR
csL = countLoop leftBranch cs
csLR = countLoop rightBranch csL

Amazingly improved by BlackMeph

main = print . renameTreeNodes $ testTree

renameTreeNodes :: Tree a -> Tree Int
renameTreeNodes tree = t' where
(t',ks) = renameLoop tree (1:ks)
renameLoop EmptyLeaf cs = (EmptyLeaf,cs)
renameLoop (Leaf _) (c:cs) = (Leaf c,(c+1):cs)
renameLoop (Tree _ lb rb) (c:cs) = (Tree c lb' rb',(c+1):csLR) where
(lb',csL) = renameLoop lb cs
(rb',csLR) = renameLoop rb csL

Source at HPASTE